Tuesday, March 31, 2015

#TimedMileTuesday (New Orleans Day 3)

Today has been a whirlwind of activity!

And of course being #TimedMileTuesday it began with my now weekly mile time-trial!  Having been stiff the past couple days I wasn't sure what to expect and had to coax myself to the Mississippi River Trail where I'd decided to run it.

4:48 mile + post-run ice bath!
4:48...I'll take it!

When doing these hard efforts I really try to focus on form, arm-swing, and a powerful toe-off.  I'm to the point where any improvement is likely to come more from increased mechanical efficiency and less so the energy system so concentration on form is key.  I'm always looking to mix things up and continue growing so I may transition to a different distance in the coming weeks (800m possibly?) so stay tuned...

Kind of a fun little thing I stumbled upon during my cooldown was this (see picture).  Apparently Kenner, New Orleans (the area we're staying) hosted the first ever heavyweight prizefight way back in the 1800's - this memorial is on the exact spot  it was held about a 100yds from the Mississippi River!

First Heavyweight Prizefight Memorial!
After my run I met Zach and Shannon for breakfast!  I'm so glad Zach is feeling better - it really sucked having him out of action and I know how miserable it is being sick....  After breakfast we decided to drive out to a bayou refuge for some exploration and alligator searching!

Upon arriving to the refuge we were greeted by this...

Nothing says 'Welcome to Louisiana' like a burnt out car....
Notice how the windshield glass melted over the steering column?  Crazy!
Moving on...here's why we really came!

Marshland as far as you can see...
More marsh...
The bayou refuge was really cool and we did manage to see a gator - albeit a smaller one :) New Orleans ecosystem is fascinating.  The network of levees that allow the city to even exists are engineering marvels and inadvertently also create brackish, freshwater swamps surrounded by saltwater marshes - it's crazy.  After the bayou we went and grabbed some coffee and headed back to the hotel.

On a sidenote* it's Zach and Shannons' anniversary so they're out to dinner tonight (Congratulations!!!!) and my spread in the April issue of Competitor magazine is out too!  Yay!

Competitor Magazine - April Issue
Tomorrow is a big day :) I managed to scrounge up a ride to November Project New Orleans plus Angie and Dana of Brooks Running fly in tomorrow from Seattle!  Something was mentioned about a jazz concert but we'll see....

Until then - #RunHappy and #StayPositive my friends :)

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