Friday, March 13, 2015

Gate River Run Expo Day 2...


Fun - but long :)

Wish I had more to say about it honestly but long expo days typically leave me at a loss for words and energy.

One of our volunteers (Bob, awesome guy) and our toucan did end up in the local paper though!
Toucan Bob!
Tomorrow is the last day of the expo + race day!  A little bummed I didn't register to run it as apparently its an absolutely stellar event but the logistics of racing AND working it proved a little daunting (and tiring).  Next time!

Helped a lot of people out today with their shoes and spread a lot of good vibes in the process.  Final tally (estimates):

- Analyzed 180 gaits
- 146 peoples tried on the greatest running shoes in the world
- 47 peoples bought the greatest running shoes in the world

#RunHappyIsland Rollin' Tomorrow!  

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