Friday, March 20, 2015

Wrong Way Down A One Way Street ~ Day 1 Georgia Marathon Expo

Today was AMAZING!

The first day of the Georgia Marathon expo and our place within the expo was unique among all the other vendors in that we were outside...outside in downtown Atlanta...surrounded by skyscrapers, honking cars, two police escorts, and a whole lot of POSITIVE VIBES!  And Bob Marley, a lot of Bob Marley.

HUGE PROPS to Zach and Shannon and their STELLAR driving skills and the police officers who navigated us down the wrong-way of a one-way street in order to position the Deep-Shoe Diver correctly:

We kind of stood out...
 Being outside and away from the main expo actually turned out to be quite fortuitous.  Not only were we the first and last thing all the registrants and visitors saw but we also benefited from a TON of foot traffic!  Everyone from construction workers to office workers, police officers, and tourists visited us today, so much fun :)

The prize table was super busy the entire time today while gait-analysis' were a little slow.  I think people are self-conscious of running on a treadmill in the middle of downtown with traffic whizzing by...c'est la vie.

Launch 2.  Mmmmmm...
I seriously can't thank Zach, Shannon, and Stevie enough for being a joy to work with and Brooks Running for the opportunity that even made today possible.  Heard so many great stories today from those that visited us about weight-loss, recovery, triumph, and how Brooks' shoes played a role.  Such an amazing feeling being able to represent a brand that people have such a strong emotional connection with.  Also a HUGE THANK YOU to the police officers who stayed with us today!

Tomorrow #RunHappyIsland is rollin' again and it honestly can't come soon enough!

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