Friday, March 6, 2015

Good Morning Missoula!

Good Morning Missoula!  

Your very beautiful but damn your chilly...burrr!

Cold or not, I woke up to a beautiful day and managed to get a solid run in before we hit the road #RunHappy!

Ran around and found the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation...

And a troll bridge!

After an amazing breakfast (and free) breakfast thanks to the Tour Managers Diamond-Club status at the Hilton I cleaned up and shortly thereafter got on the road!

Here's to a safe drive and beautiful day!  Thanks for accommodating us Missoula :)  #RunHappyIsland

1 comment:

  1. Yeeee Missoula! Shoulda taken a selfie with the rocky mountain elk foundation elk - just sayin'! Enjoy the wilderness! :)
