Wednesday, March 25, 2015

I'm On A Boat!

It's not even 2 o'clock yet and the day has already been so eventful!

Since we completed all of our Deep-Shoe Diver duties yesterday, today was another off day for us.  I was lucky enough to meet up with Jon - the New York Guru - who's in town to assist us this weekend and squeeze in an easy 4 mile run with him!  It was great to run with someone for once and hopefully we'll be able to do another before he or I leave the area.

Right now we're all getting ready - me, Zach, Shannon, Jon, and Aimee (local Guru) - to head to downtown Charleston and board the ferry to Fort Sumter!

Later that day...

Fort Sumter was pretty cool.  I was a little disappointed though to learn that most of the original structure has long since disappeared and what we see now is from the Spanish-American War.

Fort Sumter!
Original wall with a cannonball lodged inside!
The middle (smaller) cannon is an original from the Civil War, the bigger ones were brought over during the rearmament for the Spanish-American War.
After Fort Sumter we all milled about downtown along the waterfront before heading to boat ride number two for the day!

Our second boat ride was a sponsor cruise organized by the Cooper Bridge Run staff.  Open bar, free food - including mini sweet potato pies...nom nom nom....  It was a lot of fun but I'm not a huge drinker and 3 hours was a long time to be the only sober person on what amounted to a booze cruise....  It was great though to be able to sit down with the local Guru - Aimee - and pick her brain for a bit about all things Brooks, community, and running!

Mini Sweet Potato Pies...nom nom nom...
Tomorrow is day 1 of the Cooper Bridge Run expo and I'm REALLY excited!  It can be exhausting but I live for the energy and the hustle of the big event activations :) It'll be good to get back to work - I like to keep busy!

In the morning Jon, Aimee, and I are tentatively going for a run too!  So much awesome :)

Until then, #RunHappy my friends ~ 

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