Tuesday, March 17, 2015

#TimedMileTuesday, Saint Patricks Day, & LifeTime Fitness!

Where to begin?  So much going on today!

It's Saint Patrick's Day AND we have an event at Life Time Fitness in the afternoon.  Should be fun if nothing else because the local Brooks Guru should be attending as well as Stevie from the Seattle office!  Tentatively we're planning on adding a little Saint Patricks/Irish-ness to the Deep-Shoe Diver in the spirit of the holiday :)

First things first though, today is #TimedMileTuesday!  

Later that day...

We drove to Alpharetta, Georgia, to work our event at the Life Time Fitness located there.  Megan - our contact onsite - proved to be exceedingly helpful and outgoing.

All set up!
Unfortunately the local Guru chose to only hang out for a few minutes so we didn't have much time to talk and Stevie from Seattle ended up having to take a different flight :( though we're all looking forward to meeting her for dinner Thursday night when she lands!

The event actually turned out really well - lots of positive buzz and got to talk to quite a few people not wholly familiar with Brooks Running and Run Happy!

First guy I helped wanted his picture with me!  

We all had some green for Saint Patty's Day :) Shannon doing her 'thang'.
Overall the event was a BIG SUCCESS!  It was also great practice for us in setting up and taking down the Deep-Shoe Diver - took us only about 45 minutes this time both ways!

Tomorrow is an off day and I'm excited to possibly do some exploring in the area and get in a solid run before breakfast.  Georgia Marathon expo this weekend!


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