Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Today began AMAZINGLY and FORTUNATELY enough with a visit to the November Project New Orleans tribe!  For those unfamiliar with what November Project is, it is a free-fitness movement/community (cult?) that spans 17 cities across the nation.  I've been active with the San Diego chapter almost since it was founded.

This video explains it infinitely better than I can - November Project - The Story.

Whether at home in San Diego or here in New Orleans, it's an awesome way to begin your morning.  So much positivity and groovy, energetic people can be found at each location.  You will meet your hug/high-five quota for the day in the first 3-5 minutes....

Anyway, Ryan from the NPNO tribe was kind enough to pick me up from my hotel at 5:30am and take me to the workout in front of the Mercedes Benz Superdome that started at 6:00am.  The workout was hard - there were Easter Eggs, lots of stairs, and copious amounts of bunnyhopping - my legs are shot.

Ironically I was able to meet the local Brooks Guru rep - Matt Blanchard - as he was also at the workout along with some of the team from Varsity Sports!

Redlight Selfie' with Brooks Guru Matt!
Great to get out this morning and break a sweat!  November Project always seems able to bring the best out in people so there's plenty of good vibes to share and spread around even if you aren't feeling it the first couple minutes :) Check it out!

Angie and Dana fly in tonight from Seattle and tentatively we're all grabbing dinner!  Really excited to get the whole team together to swap stories and brainstorm about the tour so far.  Tomorrow is also the first day of the Crescent City 10k expo - it'll be good to get back to work but New Orleans has definitely been keeping me busy :)

Until next time - #RunHappy and #StayPositive!


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