Thursday, April 16, 2015

Fleet Feet Carrboro (Wednesday)

Yesterday was AMAZING!

It really was just what I needed...

I derive so much from interacting with the community and listening to their stories and goals.  People continue to inspire me and it's those interactions that can really set the tempo and mood for the entire day!  And being a part of Run Happy Island everything is compounded tenfold because then that passion to Run Happy is bonding everything/everyone together.  Positive people pump me up.

Yesterday morning began with an awesome 5 miler around Durham (6:30/pace).  It's still a little scary running around the area due to the absence of sidewalks, drivers that aren't necessarily use to seeing runners, and narrower roads - but the scenery really makes it all worth it.

Obligatory North Carolina Selfie'
In the evening we were due to activate at Fleet Feet Carrboro about 15 minutes from Durham.  The event was suppose to be 1/3 pub run, 1/3 shakeout for RnR Raleigh, and 1/3 training run for the Tar Heel 10 Miler.  Most Fleet Feets' are franchises but this one was corporate-owned and we were expecting some higher level executives to be attending and really wanted to give it our A-game!

We were a little worried about the weather as a storm was moving in.  Activating outside in the rain is never fun....


The event turned out to be a HUGE SUCCESS!  Even though I'm sure the weather scared away some would-be participants we had a solid turnout.  Fleet Feet Carrboro is great and everyone on staff was super nice and supportive of our presence.  The Brook Sales Rep and Guru on site were likewise AMAZING and really helped us hold down the fort.  We kept the treadmills running outside to do gait-analysis while we moved our prize-table inside where Fleet Feet also had drinks and empanadas for the runners!  Great turnout, lots of fun - and believe it or not quite a few people braved a slightly damp DSD to get their gaits analyzed!

Pre-event, a damp Deep-Shoe Diver.  Left the back curtain closed to protect the electronics.

Party at Fleet Feet Carrboro!

Between Fleet Feet Carrboro AND the two individuals on separate occasions stopping us at our hotel to talk about their love for Brooks - yesterday was very satisfying :)

Today is an off day and it's raining again :( but that's okay.

I think I'm going to lay low today and recharge my batteries so-to-speak plus I really need to ice my achilles...been bugging me lately.

Still riding the high from yesterday and thinking I may drop into the 4-mile option of the Tar Heel 10 Miler too to stretch my legs out ;)


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