Saturday, April 18, 2015

Tar Heel 10 Miler & Fleet Feet 4 Miler

Today was the Tar Heel 10 Miler & Fleet Feet 4 Miler!

Both events started right on UNC's campus in Chapel Hill, NC.  While I was there with the Deep-Shoe Diver and Run Happy Island, logistics allowed me to run the 4 miler along with Chris, Brooks' local sales rep.  Zach, the local Guru, was running the 10 mile!

Zach, myself, and Chris!
Endurance Magazine really put on a great event and the course was MAGNIFICENT.  Lots of rollers with forests and UNC's campus always on either side.  Great crowd support too!  Ended up taking 5th Overall in the 4 mile.  It felt amazing to be out racing again - I dueled with a couple of guys and managed to move my position from 8th to 5th around mile 2.5....

The finishing tunnel literally funneled me right back to where the DSD was located and I didn't have to wait too long before it got CRAZY BUSY!  Prize table and gaits were cranking almost the entire time!

Huge props to Endurance Magazine for accommodating Run Happy Island and putting on a STELLAR event!  Great support, really well organized.  Also, THANK YOU Fleet Feet Carrboro for being an amazing partner and for the sweet 9 Run 9 shirt!

So local even most the locals don't get it...
Tomorrow begins the long drive to Oklahoma City, OK.  Though originally aiming to make the drive in two days we've given ourselves three to make the days a little less tiring....  North Carolina has been a lot of fun and though it's been a blast I'm excited to explore a new locale :)

Until tomorrow, #RunHappyIsland rolls' on!

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