Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Love What You Do

"It really wasn't a job to me. It was more of a need, desire and shear love of helping athletes."  - Adolf Dassler, Founder of Adidas

I've always been attracted to over-the-top, positive, exuberant personalities.  I feed off of them.  THEY PUMP ME UP when I'm feeling down and GET ME EXCITED for no reason!  Positivity and passion build off themselves and grow exponentially as a result.

The most positive, passionate, exuberant, lovers-of-life I've ever met all lived physically active lifestyles.  Maybe not competitors or top-tier athletes, but they all felt that same inherent attraction to the subjugation which is exercise and controlled toil.


Because all I do is interact with STRONG, POSITIVE, EXUBERANT PEOPLE ALL DAY!  I get to talk about a passion as one would talk about a lover.  It isn't the sport, but the positivity and energy it imparts upon those involved.  And it just keeps growing :)  And when I assist someone in their running or footwear, I feel like I'm guiding them toward that positivity and energy that'll ultimately allow them to take so much more enjoyment out of life :)

OK, my rant is over...
Obligatory Detroit Selfie' - in a gazebo no less...


Today we got lunch with the team from Event Next!  Everyone was AMAZING!  It's always cool when you're finally able to attach faces and personalities to those CC'd email addresses.  The office as well as our lunch destination were in Rochester, a suburb of Detroit - VERY BEAUTIFUL!  Lots of greenery :)

Tomorrow we're heading to Cleveland, Ohio, for the Cleveland Marathon!  This will be our last event before driving the 1200 miles west to Boulder, Colorado.  Shannon has been feeling kind of sick so hopefully she'll feel better tomorrow :(  Until then...


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