Monday, May 4, 2015

Ann Arbor

Today we started the drive to Grand Rapids, Michigan, and the River Bank Run this weekend!  And though the drive is a measly 360 miles...because we weren't going to be able to check-in to our hotel in Grand Rapids a day early we decided to break it up over 2 days stopping in Ann Arbor tonight :)

It's funny how four hours on the road isn't even that long to me anymore...that's a short day!

Gas-station diet.  Gummy Smurfs, nom nom nom...
We arrived in Ann Arbor around 5pm and before grabbing dinner Zach had the idea of everyone going out for a run!  Didn't take my phone with me so no pictures...but it was a lot of fun and I was really thankful for the push as well as the company after the fact :)  This weekend is the River Bank Run and the logistics look like I might be able to hop in the 5k race which WILL BE AMAZING if it happens!

Tomorrow we finish the drive to Grand Rapids, only 1.5 hours away....

Run Happy Island rolls' on!


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