Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Where do I start?  Today has been a whirlwind!

I've decided I want to qualify for the Boston Marathon.  Why?  Because I need to challenge myself.  Not the challenge of running a qualifying time - something I could probably do right now...but the challenge of confronting something I'm not wholly comfortable with: patience.  

Over the past year my patience and ability to slow down and savor life has really waned, something that has reflected itself in my running.  I use to race ultra-marathons!  Events that would take 6-12 hours to complete!  And yet now I grow restless and antsy after 20 minutes of running...I run 5ks because I can't tolerate doing anything longer!  

I think training and qualifying for Boston will be an excellent mental exercise that'll teach me to focus and slooooowwwww dooowwnnn....  It's not about the destination - this is entirely about the journey :) 

What this means though is I need to start running regularly again and get my mileage back up!  So this morning I woke up and took my morning run just down the road to the Brighton Ski Area about a mile from where we were staying.  Dry ski areas' - in my experience - make for awesome running and I highly recommend giving it a try if the opportunity presents itself!  

Now it turns out the Brighton Ski Area doubles as a golf course in the off-season which made for some whimsical albeit very runnable terrain!

Welcome to Brighton Ski Resort Golf Mountain!
The run was AMAZING!  It was a really cool mix of paved, golf cart road, rolling hard-packed trail, and a lot of that aesthetic terrain-decor' that golf courses are known for :) 

Obligatory Michigan Selfie'
Shortly after my run and breakfast, Zach, Shannon, and I all checked-out of the hotel and hit road to finish the drive to Grand Rapids - about 1.5 hour away.

Grand Rapids, Michigan

After arriving in Grand Rapids and checking into our hotel we decided it was appropriate to go have a margarita for Cinco de Mayo!  

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Before calling it a day, while driving back from the restaurant I noticed our retail-partner for this weekend - Gazelle Sports - had a store less than half a mile from where we were staying!  So after a short nap I decided to walk over there and do some exploring :) No pictures...but a beautiful store and the staff I interacted with were very kind.

Tomorrow we have an event with Gazelle Sports at a local middle school in the evening.  As long as the weather cooperates (its' been raining) it should be a wonderful time!

Until tomorrow :)


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