Wednesday, May 6, 2015


I suppose it is every runner's dream to be running along in an unknown locale and stumble upon a cross-country course.  Well that happened to me this morning and only about a mile from where we're staying too!

Lucky me!
I didn't want to overdue it today so I forwent any further exploration but I'll DEFINITELY be returning :)

Later that day...

So we had a hiccup.

We were suppose to be joining Gazelle Sports and their training program this evening at a local school but apparently no one got the schools permission beforehand :(

There was a last minute hunt for a new location in which I ran to a nearby school (with their blessing) to do some parking-lot reconnaissance but ultimately we had to cancel and the training group relocated down the street.

Principle said we could use another school down the street to host the event...but when I got there the parking-lot was too small :(
Though we weren't able to activate, Gazelle Sports said we were still more than welcome to join them for a run around the lake!  So we drove back to the hotel - dropped off the DSD and the trailer - and then headed back to join the group!

Running with the group was awesome!  There was a great turnout and we were still able to mingle and chat up Brooks!  Afterwards we all got beers :)

Beautiful group run around East Grand Rapids.
Though it was unfortunate we weren't able to activate and do gait-analysis', this evening really couldn't have worked out any better.  We took an unfortunate situation and made the best of it!  In spite of not activating we were still able to generate a lot of good buzz about Brooks Running and leave a positive impression :) Plus we let everyone know where to find us this weekend at the River Bank Run!

Well I am exhausted!  Tomorrow we deliver the DSD to the expo-hall and hopefully no more hiccups!


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