Friday, May 22, 2015


Today I took the initiative and decided that in spite of the weather I really, REALLY NEEDED to get out of my hotel room!  Having previously studied the Denver RTD - I dressed warm, packed my LSD jacket (they're awesome...if you don't own one, you need to) and paid for a fare to Boulder!

Boulder is AMAZING.  It's very much like New Orleans in that it seems to have an energy and culture all its own - completely alien from the surrounding area.  I would not necessarily consider it a 'mountain town' as like Denver it rests atop a high plain, not in the mountains.  Unlike Denver however, Boulder has an eclectic, commune-esque energy to it; backed right up against the Rockies, in the shadow of the Flat Irons a mere stones' throw away.  It is both sedating and energizing.  One day I have no doubt I will call it home.

Upon arriving I didn't have a real plan.  The weather wasn't as bad as I was expecting either.  Boulder Running Company, a run-specialty shop I had long heard about and wanted to visit wasn't too far away so I decided to head in that direction to start my adventuring!

Memorial Day sale in full swing!
Upon arriving I could tell their Memorial Day sale was in full swing!  Though the Brooks rep wasn't there, many other brands were present.  The store itself was really nice, a lot bigger than I imagined.  Investigating the tent-sale I did find a few gems:

Apparently after being discontinued years ago...all the PureDrifts in the world were exiled to Colorado :)  No.  I didn't buy them, but they had LOTS!

Only $20!  Did buy this.
Boulder Running Company is ready for BolderBoulder!
After getting my fill I started walking again, this time back toward the boutiques and coffee shops on Pearl Street.

Wasn't long before I found something else that caught my eye...a bike shop!  Not just any bike shop though - a bike shop full of vintage steel-steads and wool jerseys!  Yeah, I get excited about this kind of stuff...

Omg omg omg...

'The Cannibal'
I was in there for quite a bit actually.  Turned out one of the employees - an older gentleman - use to live in San Diego and was very familiar with a bike shop I frequent there.  We chatted for a good 25 minutes about the cycling communities in both San Diego and Boulder, different events, and even my travels with Run Happy Island.  I liked him :)

After leaving the bike shop I encountered this....

You're intrigued...admit it...

Being an athlete - particularly an endurance athlete - of course I had to walk inside.  Turned out it was a t-shirt/apparel shop :) REALLY COOL THOUGH and all designed on site.  Guy inside at the register was really cool too.  Obviously an athlete, I spent another 25 minutes or so chatting to him - particularly about STRAVA but also about other trails and peaks in the area I could ascend.

Shortly thereafter this occurred...

I swear there's a coffee shop every 1/4 mile here...not that I'm complaining.
And I headed back to the transit station to catch my bus back home.

Today was AWESOME!  I got out of my hotel room, was able to explore an amazing city, learned about some trails nearby, and got back to my hotel all before it started raining again!  It's pouring right now if you're curious.

I'm excited for tomorrow :) Tentatively the plan is to wake-up early and board the bus to Boulder - this time with Zach's bike in tow to expedite my exploring!  I also want to summit Senista Peak from a mountain trail that I learned about today from talking to the guy at Endurance Conspiracy.  Tomorrow is also the first day of the BolderBoulder expo - I was mistaken in thinking it was today - so there's that to check-out too!

Time to foamroll now :)


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