Monday, May 11, 2015

Detroit or Bust!

We're on our way to Detroit, Michigan!  Yes, our next event is in Cleveland, Ohio, not Detroit – but we're taking a bit of a detour to meet the Event Next team as well as explore Detroit a bit.  Just to clarify – Run Happy Island is a Brooks Running tour, but it is overseen by a separate marketing-agency: Event Next J We interact with employees from both entities on a near daily basis.

After arriving at our hotel in Detroit, Zach and Shannon wanted to do some exploring downtown and grab some food.  Like St. Louis, Detroit has fallen on hard times and large swathes of it currently lie various states of decay and abandonment – interesting detours to say the least....

For lunch I had to order my namesake sandwich - I tasted amazing...
  Post lunch we did some exploring along the waterfront and some of the abandoned stretches.

That's Canada right across the river!  I had no idea Detroit was literally right on the border...
This was sadly an all too common scene.
Tomorrow we're meeting the Event Next team for lunch!  SUPER EXCITED to finally meet everyone and attach faces and personalities to email addresses J

Until tomorrow, Run Happy Island rolls' on!

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