Friday, May 15, 2015

Cleveland Marathon Expo Day 1

Today was the first day of the Cleveland Marathon expo!  Once again, we had Blaize and his fiancee - Shannon - in town to assist us as well as Fleet Feet Cleveland!  Anyone who has ever worked a major marathon expo knows that the first day is always substantially slower than the last - today was no exception.  Though a bit on the slow side, we still managed to stay fairly busy and had lots of visitors come through our prize-table and gait-analysis!  :)

We just got back to the hotel and are about to grab dinner and a drink at the Winking Lizard Tavern (what a name...right?).  Looking forward to tomorrow!  Sometimes I think these events wear on me a little differently than most....  I love to interact with the visitors and even when my throat is scratchy from talking for 8 hours straight I still derive so much satisfaction from each engagement.  Maybe I'm just lonely?  Or crazy?  Who knows.

Until tomorrow...


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