Monday, June 1, 2015

Last Post.


That feels good....

The tour is over for me.  Zach and Shannon are currently back in Seattle with the vehicles preparing to enjoy their Summer as well!  I do miss them.  They're such wonderful spirits and I wish them the best.

It's funny.  I had a little hesitation prior to joining Run Happy Island on the road.  Uplifting my entire livelihood to travel the country wasn't exactly in character for me.  But now that it's over I can't possibly convey how thankful I am that I did, and that the offer was even extended to me.  It really was life-changing, and eased any doubts I may have harbored about being able to be happy and content outside of the social bubble I had fabricated for myself here in San Diego.  I think that's true of a lot of people - we get comfortable in familiarity: routines, places to-go, friends, and become hesitant to believe we'd survive without it all.

I don't have that doubt anymore.  And because of that I feel like I am in an infinitely better position to enjoy life.  And Brooks Running and Event Next I thank you for that the most.

 Brooks Running is an amazing company.  The passion its' employees extoll for running and the community permeates and manifest itself in its' products and the experiences it provides such as Run Happy Island!  Really can't thank them enough for accommodating me.

This weekend I was able to help out at the Rock 'n' Roll San Diego expo.  It felt like a big homecoming party for me! Such an amazing time.  It was great to be back interacting with the San Diego running community plus all my friends who swung by!

In a couple weeks we'll get the word whether there will be a tour this Fall and or whether I'll be involved with it .  Until then, I'll count my blessings for all that has happened so far.  It's been a great a trip :)

Signing off.


Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Last Event...

Today was our last event and it was perfect.  A local group run out of Lifetime Fitness-Westminster; steady albeit slow enough to take the time to have genuine conversations with our visitors.  No better way to end the tour.  Like icing on a cake :)

Thank you Halls :)
I have one more blog post coming - as a recap of sorts :) but right now I have some work to do before getting to bed.  Tomorrow evening I'll be back in San Diego!


Monday, May 25, 2015

Bolder Boulder!

Today was the 37th running of the Bolder Boulder 10k and WHAT AN EVENT!

One of the nation's largest privately-owned events - more than 50,000 runners towed the starting line today while as many as 70,000 individuals passed through the finishing area!  Privately owned - think about that for a second....  In an era when most endurance events fall under large corporate-umbrellas, the BB10K - 37 years later - is still privately owned AND attracts more than 50,000 participants!

Don't mind if I do :)
Not only is it privately owned - it's the only event hosted. There's no series, there's nothing extra.  Every year thousands of volunteers, workers, and tens of thousands of runners come together for a single event...that is privately owned, amazing is that?

Today I looked at a lot of feet and chatted up a lot of runners.  I am exhausted.

Picture worth a thousand words.
Tomorrow is the final event of the tour.  A smaller activation at a local Lifetime Fitness. A lot to process right now and I'm very tired - sure I'll have more to write tomorrow.  :)


Memorial Day:

Today is Memorial Day.  It is not about the wars we've fought or the battles won - it transcends politics.  Today we honor those who believed in something greater than themselves and the willingness to sacrifice for it.

 "And I submit to you that if a man has not discovered something that he will die for, he isn’t fit to live.” - Martin Luther King Jr.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Hiccups' (2 & 3) + Flagstaff Mountain

You move to Boulder for the daylife - not the nightlife... - overheard on a street-corner.

Today was eventful.  We needed to deliver the DSD to the BolderBoulder finish line, tidy her up for tomorrow, and then I needed to get in the mountains before another storm moved in!

The finish line for BolderBoulder is on Colorado University's campus in Boulder.  It's a beautiful campus by itself but made more so by the Flat Irons dominating the skyline nearby. After parking the DSD and cleaning her up a bit, hiccup #2 and #3 of the tour occurred!

First, apparently the DSD's generator doesn't like being at altitude....  It took some elbow-grease on Zach's part but he did get it working again.  Zach is awesome.  I've always had such a profound respect for people who are mechanically-inclined plus he's an insanely collected individual, nothing ever riles him...not even pissy, upset generators.

The third hiccup may or may not have been my fault.... :(

One of our iPad's screens was cracked.  Splintered the whole thing.  Far as I know Zach found it like that in the soft-case we carry them all in.  I don't know how it happened but they have been in my possession for the past couple of days so I feel culpable.  Sad day.  :(

After cleaning up the DSD and getting everything ready for tomorrow, I had Zach and Shannon drop me off at Boulder Mountain Park so I could start my ascent up Flagstaff Mountain!  I decided against doing Bear Peak today because it was the harder of the two climbs and another big storm front was scheduled to roll-in around 1pm.

Flat Irons as seen from Boulder Mountain Park.

I didn't take many pictures today - partly because I knew the hike was on the shorter side.  I did end up getting rained on, and thunder did sound, but I made it safely to the summit - which unbeknownst to me you can actually drive to...o well...

Flagstaff Summit!  No bikes, no guns, no booze, no fun....
Rocky Mountain cactus?  I had no idea....
After descending, I started walking back toward downtown Boulder to make one final pass through the BoulderBolder expo before heading to the transit center to catch my bus.  En route I stumbled upon another cemetery which I thought was really cool.  Some the graves were as old as some of the ones we saw in Charleston, South Carolina...can you imagine what Boulder was like in the 1850's?!

Boulder Cemetery.
Eventually this happened...

Cappuchino with 4-shots #Nomnomnom
And this...
My Ravenna's have been seeing a lot of action!
Tomorrow is BolderBoulder!  Though I'm not running, I'm excited to be at the finish line with Run Happy Island!  It's really evident that the whole community is behind the event so I'm sure it's going to be an awesome time for runners, vendors, and volunteers alike! :)

Well I just finished my laundry and need to start heading toward bed!  Early day tomorrow!


Saturday, May 23, 2015

Mount Sanista!

Today I paid my $5 again for bus-fare to Boulder with a full day planned!  Yesterday I learned about another nearby peak - Mount Sanitas - I intended to climb plus the BolderBoulder expo!

I knew I should get on the mountain ASAP as a storm was due later that afternoon.  Unbeknownst to me, today Boulder was having its' weekly farmers market.  Farmers market is kind of an understatement if you ask me...I thought it was some sort of celebratory festival judging by it's sheer size.  I love the idea behind farmers markets but the execution is always a bit too convoluted for me.  I checked out some of the stalls but left shortly after toward the BolderBoulder expo on nearby Pearl Street.

Instead of being within a convention center or similar layout, the expo was basically strewn about Pearl Streets' boulevard.  It felt more like a farmers market than the actual farmers market did! 


I'm not a huge STRAVA fan...but a lot of my friends are.  It was cool to chat with the team about STRAVA's involvement with other brands and their dynamics though - talked a little about Run Happy Island too!  I'm excited to see them again at the BolderBoulder finish line to show off the DSD :)

After wandering around the expo for a bit it was time to head toward Mount Sanista - the trailhead about a 20 minute walk away.  Though the clouds were heavy, it hadn't started raining or thundering yet so I figured I was safe.

BolderBoulder mural I found en route to Mount Sanista.
The ascent up Mount Sanista was MUCH easier than that up Green Mountain.  Trails were very hard-packed, and in spite of heavier traffic and heavy rain the night before were still in really good shape.

Sanista trailhead.
Heavy storm clouds over the Flat Irons.

From the ascent up Sanista.

 About 45 minutes into the ascent the sky opened up...

Rain wasn't that bad...but the temperature dropped a little and that turned into hail.  I only started worrying a little once the thunder started....  Unlike Green Mountain, the ascent up Sanista was very exposed with sporadic tree coverage, I was afraid that by continuing the ascent upward I might be setting myself up to get struck by lightning!  Luckily that didn't happen....

Sanista summit :)

Give you an idea of what was going on around me...

Luckily the hail and thunder abated a bit...but the rain stalked me all the way down...

Overall it was AMAZING!  Though I am thankful I wasn't struck by lightning...the weather made the excursion all that much more memorable.  After getting down I headed back toward Pearl Street to locate a coffee and warm-up!

Picture of the Flat Irons I took while walking back.
Mocha at the Laughing Goat in Boulder.

Well I am exhausted....  Tomorrow we actually have work to do too!

Tomorrow is the day that we deliver the DSD to the finish line area of BolderBoulder.  The race itself is Monday - Memorial Day - so once we clean and freshen-up the DSD I'll have the rest of the day to explore!  I still want to summit Mount Flagstaff and Bear Peak before I leave the area so tomorrow after our Run Happy Island duties are done I'll probably find myself back up in the mountains. :)

Until tomorrow ~


Friday, May 22, 2015


Today I took the initiative and decided that in spite of the weather I really, REALLY NEEDED to get out of my hotel room!  Having previously studied the Denver RTD - I dressed warm, packed my LSD jacket (they're awesome...if you don't own one, you need to) and paid for a fare to Boulder!

Boulder is AMAZING.  It's very much like New Orleans in that it seems to have an energy and culture all its own - completely alien from the surrounding area.  I would not necessarily consider it a 'mountain town' as like Denver it rests atop a high plain, not in the mountains.  Unlike Denver however, Boulder has an eclectic, commune-esque energy to it; backed right up against the Rockies, in the shadow of the Flat Irons a mere stones' throw away.  It is both sedating and energizing.  One day I have no doubt I will call it home.

Upon arriving I didn't have a real plan.  The weather wasn't as bad as I was expecting either.  Boulder Running Company, a run-specialty shop I had long heard about and wanted to visit wasn't too far away so I decided to head in that direction to start my adventuring!

Memorial Day sale in full swing!
Upon arriving I could tell their Memorial Day sale was in full swing!  Though the Brooks rep wasn't there, many other brands were present.  The store itself was really nice, a lot bigger than I imagined.  Investigating the tent-sale I did find a few gems:

Apparently after being discontinued years ago...all the PureDrifts in the world were exiled to Colorado :)  No.  I didn't buy them, but they had LOTS!

Only $20!  Did buy this.
Boulder Running Company is ready for BolderBoulder!
After getting my fill I started walking again, this time back toward the boutiques and coffee shops on Pearl Street.

Wasn't long before I found something else that caught my eye...a bike shop!  Not just any bike shop though - a bike shop full of vintage steel-steads and wool jerseys!  Yeah, I get excited about this kind of stuff...

Omg omg omg...

'The Cannibal'
I was in there for quite a bit actually.  Turned out one of the employees - an older gentleman - use to live in San Diego and was very familiar with a bike shop I frequent there.  We chatted for a good 25 minutes about the cycling communities in both San Diego and Boulder, different events, and even my travels with Run Happy Island.  I liked him :)

After leaving the bike shop I encountered this....

You're intrigued...admit it...

Being an athlete - particularly an endurance athlete - of course I had to walk inside.  Turned out it was a t-shirt/apparel shop :) REALLY COOL THOUGH and all designed on site.  Guy inside at the register was really cool too.  Obviously an athlete, I spent another 25 minutes or so chatting to him - particularly about STRAVA but also about other trails and peaks in the area I could ascend.

Shortly thereafter this occurred...

I swear there's a coffee shop every 1/4 mile here...not that I'm complaining.
And I headed back to the transit station to catch my bus back home.

Today was AWESOME!  I got out of my hotel room, was able to explore an amazing city, learned about some trails nearby, and got back to my hotel all before it started raining again!  It's pouring right now if you're curious.

I'm excited for tomorrow :) Tentatively the plan is to wake-up early and board the bus to Boulder - this time with Zach's bike in tow to expedite my exploring!  I also want to summit Senista Peak from a mountain trail that I learned about today from talking to the guy at Endurance Conspiracy.  Tomorrow is also the first day of the BolderBoulder expo - I was mistaken in thinking it was today - so there's that to check-out too!

Time to foamroll now :)


Thursday, May 21, 2015

Rest Day ~

While in bed last night I immediately regretted not taking an ice bath after my Green Mountain excursion.  Once situated my calves and ankles began to pulsate keeping me awake most of the night. :(  Between that and very uncooperative weather I decided to use today to rest up for going out later in the week.

Couple of things happened today though!

Sarah Swiss landed in the area so I'm excited about meeting up with her later in the week plus I got the OK to help out at the Rock 'n' Roll San Diego expo May 29-30 once I get back!  I do enjoy the big activations - hardly feels like work to me - and Rock 'n' Roll San Diego shares a special place in my heart.  Not only did I use to handle the grassroot-promotions for Rock 'n' Roll San Diego but as the first Rock 'n' Roll it has such an awesome vibe and energy to it.  And the San Diego running community is AWESOME!!!

Rest day or not I did end up getting in a solid workout :) I love movement....  

And I think it's fair to say my collarbone (broken on Christmas eve) is 100% healed!

Honestly I don't know what we're doing tomorrow.  We still have a couple days off before we need to set up for BolderBoulder this Memorial Day.  I still want to try to ascend another peak before I leave the area but will probably hold-off until the weather improves.  The expo for BolderBoulder begins tomorrow so I'm thinking of heading up there to check it out and see what I'm (we're) missing!

Until tomorrow ya'll ~
